Garlic as a Regenerative Growing Tool:
Why You Absolutely MUST Try Growing Garlic this Fall!
When I moved to the country to start raising worms in my Aunt’s old horse barn, the first non-worm activity we did that fall was plant garlic. Immediately I was blown away with how easy it is to grow! For a versatile vegetable that is the staple of so many dishes, I couldn’t believe all we did was pop a clove in the ground, throw some mulch on top, and then wait 9 months to pull large bulbs from the ground.
We want all regenerative growers to learn the magic of growing garlic, and our new Regenerative Garlic Growing Kit makes it easy and straightforward with the necessary supplies. A 2ft x 2ft raised bed, garden bed or planter is all you need. Here's 5 reasons why you absolutely MUST try growing garlic this fall!
1. Off-season Planting Allows You to Maximize Your Growing Efforts
Were you overwhelmed last spring by everything to do to get your garden growing? Unlike other food crops, garlic is planted in the fall when there are fewer activities on your growing To Do list. Plus, with the weather much more reasonable now, fall planting is no sweat!
2. Set it and Forget It (Mostly)
Once garlic is in the ground, you can essentially forget that it’s there. Minimal oversight is required as garlic likes to mind it’s own business all winter, spring and summer long (with the exception of garlic scapes…)
3. Double Your Harvest with Garlic Scapes
Garlic provides a two-for-one bang for your buck! In early summer you will harvest scapes - stalks that grow up from the centre of the plant and would eventually produce flowers if allowed - that are a tasty treat in the kitchen. Plus, harvesting these will ensure even bigger garlic bulbs are produced. (And yes, we've included instructions in the Kit!)
4. Practically Pest Free
Vampires aren’t the only ones turned off by garlic. Most common garden critters will stay away from this plant because of the pungent, unwelcome smell. (Some folks find they still need to provide a level of pest deterrent – we’ve included suggestions on that too!)
5. Harvesting is a Breeze
When it comes time to pull your garlic next July, it won’t take long at all. A quick tug at the base of your plant and your home-grown garlic bulb will pop right out of the ground. All that’s left at that point is a few weeks of drying and then home-grown garlic is on the menu!